Cora's Birth Story

[^This picture is one of my favorites. That beautiful first moment of skin to skin… She’s content & warm on mommy’s chest, those chubby, squishy cheeks all pressed up into me. Ok and now I’m crying just thinking about it.]


It’s hard to believe my sweet Cora Beth turns 7 months in a few days. It has been so amazing and challenging and beautiful and humbling all at the same time. Moments so sweet I thought my heart might explode. Moments so hard I was brought to my knees in tears. But I am truly just so grateful for this beautiful baby angel; her sweet smiles bring light & joy to all my days. And so, I thought it was about time to sit & write out her birth story, as I did for Eveleigh.

As some of you may know from Eveleigh’s birth story, my plans for an all natural birth failed and I ended up having to have a c-section. When we got pregnant again, I was torn on whether or not to have a vbac (vaginal birth after c-section). My pregnancies were pretty close together and so there are some more risks involved, but I decided to try for the vbac. But mostly I was ok with either a vaginal birth or a c-section but I definitely didn’t want to endure both like I did before. That was a lot to go through and to recover from. So what was most important to me was not having a failed vbac that would end in an emergency c-section.

After praying about it all I decided to plan for the vbac, but set a date (about 1 week past my due date) at which point if the baby didn’t come we would have the c-section. I prayed that if the vbac would fail or if uterine rupture was possible, that I wouldn’t go into labor and that she would come via the scheduled c-section.

Leading up to my due date, I actually really started to believe that we would have the vbac. And I actually felt like she might come early. She dropped really low and I felt a lot of cramping, and thought for sure labor was near. But at each check up… 37 weeks…38 weeks…39 weeks…40 weeks… I wasn’t dilated at all. But I still remained hopeful. I walked miles on end every day. I did the stairs. Curb walking. Mexican food. Bouncy ball. You name it. And then I’d go into my weekly appointment only to be disappointed that there were no changes. The hardest part is thinking every single day “oh today might be the day!” or “hmm is this the beginning of labor?” and being let down.

I remember at my 40 week appointment my doctor told me that I wasn’t dilated at all. That I was completely closed up and that she thought Cora would most likely come via c-section. I immediately started to cry right there in her office and just didn’t understand. I tried so hard to trust that this was just God’s answer to my prayer… but it was so hard. I felt so defeated. I realized how much I really did wish to have a successful vbac. And mostly, the complete loss of control over the situation was agonizing.

The following week I still held on to any tiny shred of hope left that I might go into labor… But mostly I tried to just take my mind off of it. I soaked up time with Ryan & Eveleigh, and scheduled fun outings & photoshoots to fill my time. As the days passed and the date of the surgery grew near, anxiety started to creep in. But I did my best to be in prayer and focus on holding my sweet little girl.

The morning of February 10th, 2016 we headed to the hospital excited to meet our Baby Cora. They prepped me for surgery, but it got pushed back because they ended up having an emergency c-section right before mine. Typical that we would finally get there, ready & full of anticipation, only to be further delayed. But we made the most of it, being silly & laughing together, and making bets on how much she would weigh.

Then it was time. They wheeled me to the operating room and so many memories came flooding back of when Eveleigh was born. I was afraid of having a panic attack like I did with Evie, but I focused on my breathing and relied on the strength of the Spirit to get me through. Ryan was not allowed in the operating room at this time. I so longed for him there beside me. I don’t do well with pain meds and as soon as the spinal block was administered my blood pressure dropped and I felt like I couldn’t breathe and was going to pass out. Fortunately, it only lasted a minute and then they gave me medicine to help and it passed… But it all made my stomach very upset and I ended up throwing up right there on the operating table. By then I was crying out for my husband… I felt so weak and just wanted it to all be over. As I lost feeling in my legs I started getting that claustrophobic feeling and was just crying by that point. Ryan finally came into the room and I was so relieved to have him there. I remember crying to him “this is just not how I imagined bringing my babies into the world.”

But soon enough, it was over. And I heard the magical sound of her first cry. They lowered the curtain enough for me to peek over and I got to see her tiny little body, and so much love welled up inside of me. And in that moment I remembered why I go through what I go through, and how worth it it is.

We were wheeled off to the recovery room, and I got to do skin to skin and nurse her for the first time. It all felt so familiar but also like such a new experience. She was so beautiful and tiny and so very precious. It’s funny how you forget how little they are when they first come out. And it made Evie seem so huge.

Later, Eveleigh got to come meet her and my heart was just complete mush. It’s amazing how you can be in so much pain but also be filled with so much joy.

And that’s how our little family became a party of four.



So very blessed. So very grateful.


With love,



[^I love the way this photo communicates what words sometimes can’t.]


[And here she is. Inside of me one minute, and a new life in this world the next. It’s just… such a miracle. No matter how you birth your children… it truly is such an extraordinary thing.]


[7 lbs, 12 oz. of pure squishy goodness. Only one ounce more than Evie was.]

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I used to think Fall was my favorite season, but this summer (apart from being sick) has been so magical. Trolley rides, road trips, beach days, splash pads, family visits — all have made it so fun  and so full of amazing memories!

I’ve been trying to be more intentional about using my pro camera for my personal day-to-day family photos, and I am so grateful when I do. This particular day we were just needing some fresh air & sunshine after being cooped up in the house sick all week, so when Ryan got home from work we got take-out and had a picnic in our front yard. The weather was perfect, the light was dreamy, and we were all together. I love soaking up these moments with our family. And it warms my heart to watch Evie play with her daddy. They are so silly together and she really lights up when he is home. Too much sweetness.

This season with littles is a lot of work and can be so hard at times, but I know someday I will look back at these photos and miss this stage so much. Now here’s to soaking up the last few weeks of Summer before it “officially” becomes Fall!


In love,


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Big Sur

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This last week has been really hard. We’ve been home sick with what feels like the plague (AKA hand foot & mouth disease). Eveleigh got it first, and even though adults don’t typically catch it — I am one of the lucky few who did. And then it spread to Cora as well, and well, it’s not been fun, to say the least. And since it’s super contagious we haven’t really left the house at all, and I am going stir crazy. It’s started triggering my wanderlust and making me crave a trip when we’re all feeling better.

But in the meantime, I thought I’d share some photos from our road trip this summer… these are all from our time in Big Sur, which is the most beautiful stretch of coastline I have ever seen. I love living in this beautiful state because there are so many amazing places to visit, most within driving distance (especially if you’re a road trip lover like myself!).

We drove up to Monterey first and spent two nights there, exploring the town and heading north up to Santa Cruz for a short visit. Then we started making our way South to Big Sur, driving through Carmel and stopping at several scenic overlooks to take in the view. We stopped for lunch at the River Inn and then stopped later for coffee at Big Sur Bakery. If we were sans kids I would’ve definitely stayed there a while longer enjoying coffee & dessert and taking it all in. Very charming & definitely worth a stop! Then we stopped off at McWay Falls and hiked the little trail there. Such amazing views & a great short walk with kiddos. We were also planning on stopping off at Pfieffer beach but we couldn’t find the path and the girls were sleeping, so we kept on going and just stopped off at a few more turnouts. We continued to make our way south towards San Simeon, and visited the Elephant Seal Rookery. Eveleigh loved seeing the Elephant Seals & the super friendly squirrels that were there too!

Big Sur was definitely the highlight of our summer road trip! Hoping to post & share some more photos from the rest of our trip soon. :)


Have you ever been to Big Sur? Would love to hear your favorite spots & places to stay, as we hope to visit again soon (I’m thinking like once every two years at minimum ;))


With love,


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Father's Day

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Love the way these two play together. Daddy can get her to giggle like no other! I’m so thankful for the father that he is to our girls. We loved getting to celebrate him yesterday for Father’s Day.

I snapped these pictures of the two of them playing together about a month ago, and then edited them & gave them to Ryan for Father’s day. Now we just need to get some more of him & Cora ;)

RyanAndEvie2016 (2 of 8) RyanAndEvie2016 (3 of 8) RyanAndEvie2016 (4 of 8) RyanAndEvie2016 (6 of 8) RyanAndEvie2016 (7 of 8) RyanAndEvie2016 (8 of 8)

Eveleigh Lynn, Age Two

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Our sweet Eveleigh is growing into such a big girl. She is two years and four months old and is so full of joy & life. She is talking more and more everyday, and we are able to have full on conversations now! Nothing sweeter or sillier than a conversation with a two year old! She loves to sing and is always asking mommy & daddy to sing her songs (old mcdonald, the ABC’s, and twinkle twinkle being some of her favorites). She loves puzzles and making towers out of her building blocks. She is miss independent these days and pretty much says “no, I do it!” to just about everything. I love seeing her little personality and sense of humor come out more and more! I love to watch her interact with her baby sister too. She loves laying on the floor with Cora for “tummy time” and is always smothering her with hugs & kisses. Whenever Cora is crying Evie says “Uh oh, Codaa befff” or “Uh oh, Paci!” (as in, “mom she needs her paci!”).

She loves helping out with our little garden out back. Watering the plants, and picking & washing the fruit. We have some blueberries we’re waiting to ripen, and every morning she looks out the window and tells me “blueberries ready soon! We pick ‘em and eat em! Blueberries is so yummy!”

She really loves to learn and absorbs so much more than we even realize. She loves to pull her books off the shelves and sit with them in big pile all around her as she reads them. We read to her every night before bed, and she has to be the one to pick the book, hold the book, and turn all the pages all by herself. She also enjoys dragging out that process as long as possible and taking an hour to turn each page haha! Some of our current favorite books are ones by Dr. Seuss and Nancy Tillman.


Can’t forget this recent conversation over breakfast that cracked me up:

Me: How old is Eveleigh?

Evie: TWO!

Me: Do you know how old mommy & daddy are? Mommy is 26 and Daddy is 29!

Evie: Pauses, stares. Then “Daddy is SO OLD!“ ?

And a little questionnaire…

What’s your favorite color? “color blue”

What’s your favorite food? “Chocolate Cupcakes!” (I think she has only had a cupcake maybe twice in her life, but clearly they made an impression!)

What’s your favorite song? “twinkle twinkle”

What’s your favorite thing to do? “play toys”

What’s mommy’s favorite thing to do? “coffee” (it’s amazing how much she gets me ;))

What’s daddy’s favorite thing to do? “Guitar!” (again, spot on, kid!)

Where’s your favorite place to go? “walk to park”

Who’s your best friend?TANYA CALEB!” (our friends from church… She always says them together as if it’s one word too, haha! Though I was sorta wishing she said mommy… tear)


Love this girl so much and am so grateful she’s mine. Watching her grow is one of my greatest joys!

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